Side effects of dental implants

Side effects of dental implants

Dental implants have recently been a popular treatment to permanently replace missing or infected teeth. It helps in restoration and improvement of dental function. Though it is a modern day solution to the problem of tooth loss, every surgery has its risk and side effects.  The side effects of dental implant surgery are generally mild and typically resolve within a few days to a couple weeks.

Some possible side effects include:

  • Pain:- Every surgery is succeeded by some amount of pain and so dental implants are no different. Immediately following the dental implant procedure patients experience some level of pain. But this is not for a long time effect and will fade away as the jaw and gums recover. And if it is unbearable the surgeon will recommend pain relief pills.
  • Swelling is another common after effect of all dental surgeries. Swelling may occur in cheeks and gums but will reduce in two- three days.
  • Infection is a possible risk in all types of surgeries. Dental implant surgery can lead to infection of the gums and bone at the implant site. The risk of infection can be reduced by carefully following post-operative instructions after surgery. Surgeons and hospitals also take special care for this and take required measures.
  • Implant Failure:– Failure is a part of every process. Implants may fail due to infection, smoking, or the jawbone may fail to fuse to the implant. It can also be because of rejection since the immune system varies from person to person and sometimes our immune system rejects the implant.
  • Nerve or Tissue Damage:- Another rare risk of dental implant treatment is nerve or tissue damage. This may occur if certain blood vessels are damaged causing numbness or a tingling feeling in the affected areas. In rare situations, dental implant treatment can affect the nerves or tissue by damaging the blood vessels. Symptoms of damaged nerves or tissue may include numbness, swelling, or a tingling sensation.
  • Sinus Issues:- Sometimes dental implants placed in the upper jaw can cause sinus problems in some patients.
  • Bacteria Build Up:- If you suffer from receding gums, you may be able to see the implant screws, which in addition to being unsightly may allow bacteria to collect and cause infection. In severe cases, you may end up losing the implant.
  • Trapped Nerves:- Damage to the nerves can occur when the dentist injects local anesthetic. It is important to only get operated by a dentist who is experienced in placing implants to avoid the risk of nerve damage from poor technique.
  • Titanium Allergy:- Most implants are made of the metal titanium. Some people are allergic to this metal and it may have to be removed, or they may reject it. It can also cause severe infection.

You can take steps to reduce the possibility of risks and side effects after dental implant surgery by practicing the following tips:

  • Follow Pre- and Post-Operative Instructions.
  • Don’t Smoke.
  • Don’t Drink Alcohol.
  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene.
  • Rinse with Warm Salt Water.

Know more about dental implant cost in New Delhi.

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